
Monday, January 10, 2011

Freemasonry is really a religion at its' core

Comment: Freemasonry is really a religion at its' core. A blue lodge always has an altar. Altars are always associated with religious worship and sacrifice. The Scottish Rite temples are so called because they have what is a supposed to be a copy of King Solomon's temple in them. Initiates are told that Masonry is based on Hiram Abiff who lost the "secret name of God" while he was building the great pyramid. As punishment he was entombed alive in the pyramid. When a Mason reaches the 33rd degree he is taught that the "secret name of God" is Jahbulon (sic Jobulun), a three part composite of Jehovah, Osiris, and Baal. Jehovah is the Germanic translation of YHWH, the tetragramaton, the God of the Israelites. Osiris was a god of the Egyptians, and Baal was a god of the Babylonians. The problem with this is that the YHWH of the Bible said He would never share His glory with any other, especially not the false gods of the Egyptians or the Babylonians. He brought the Israelites out of Babylon and Egypt and told them not to have anything to do with the people of those lands or their false gods. So at it's heart, Freemasonry is a religion based on the worship of esoteric knowledge, that is, the "secret name of God". Many Masons are unaware of this, enjoying the power and prestiege of their fraternity. Also, not every Mason is a Shriner, but every Shriner is a 33rd degree Freemason *. A friend of mine informs me that while George Washington joined the Masons, once he found out more about it, he left the Masons and never set foot in another blue lodge or had anything to do with Freemasonry for the last 25 years of his life. Good site, BTW.

* It has been reported that Shriners spend up to 95% of their charitable collections on themselves; their own entertainment (Shriners' Convention. etc.).
One World Order
To Vote for automatically excommunicated Catholics or for members of Secret Societies
and Others that are Highly Offensive to God is Condemnatory.
Presidential pro-abortion candidate John Kerry is an automatically excommunicated Catholic.
Senator Ted Kennedy is an automatically excommunicated Catholic.
President George Bush is a member of the Skull and Bones Society (Yale Univ.) and were he Catholic he would be under ban as being automatically excommunicated. (Can. 1374 - 1983 CCL – Can. 2335-36 - 1917 CCL) George H.W. Bush was also a member of Skull & Bones.
Pope John Paul II is under sentence of automatic excommunication for failure to remove Cardinal Bernard Law and others who have knowingly given Holy Communion to automatically excommunicated Catholics such as Senator Ted Kennedy. Also: Fr. Mohlomi Makobane who desecrated the most Holy Eucharistic by giving Jesus to perverted pro-abortion President Bill Clinton (Soweto, South Africa, March 29, 1998). See desecration of the Most Holy Eucharistic - 1983 Code of Canon Law, Can. 1367; 1 Cor 11:26-28. – He is also under automatic excommunication for heresy against a non-diminishable command of God (Gn. 9:6).
Jesus said, "Scripture cannot loose its force." [Jn 10:35]
Each aborted person is a brother ... "If you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift." [Mt 5:23f ...]
How Many of the Big Oil Companies are
controlled by Freemasons and Associates?
Are members of the board of directors masons? Are executive officers masons?

Neither the validity or the importance of the papacy (papal office)
is being questioned nor intended to be demeaned in any way.

The position that Satan has temporarily taken control of the papacy by –Masonic / communist / Illuminati / homosexual– infiltration and seating the purported antichrist now occupying the papal office is the statement being made. He will continue to serve Satan until People of Faith Actively Oppose him.
For further clarification please later review documents relating to True Christians and Legal vs. Moral in relation to Priesthood and Papacy

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